Cet amour-là

"Elle dit: non, ne pleurez pas, ce n'est pas triste, en rien, en aucun cas. Il s'agit de vous et de pas vous, oubliez votre personne, ça n'a aucune importance. Il ne faut pas se prendre pour un héros. Vous êtes rien. C'est ce qui me plaît. Restez comme ça. Ne changez pas. Restez. On va lire ensemble."

Yann Andréa

Gamblers also pray

Stop breaking the light petals of that goddamn soul of yours
No one ever asked for such bravery
And no one gives a shit about your eminence
It's somewhere between your lips and the tip of your tongue
The beast stops being sweet
We all wish for each of your shinny pearls
To brake in our mouths and drip down our throats
Biting each nerve of the way

White veils don't dance they slap
Open doors and burning feet

Falling from the branches petals rotting
They say it's oil around the bulbs
How deep would the thumb dive into the earth
Foam licking pebbles and the sound was muffled
Lights from red to blue
Will any of us stand

Winter turned all your dreams from green to brown
Open doors and burning feet

Canonisation de Luce De Tetis

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