Cet amour-là

"Elle dit: non, ne pleurez pas, ce n'est pas triste, en rien, en aucun cas. Il s'agit de vous et de pas vous, oubliez votre personne, ça n'a aucune importance. Il ne faut pas se prendre pour un héros. Vous êtes rien. C'est ce qui me plaît. Restez comme ça. Ne changez pas. Restez. On va lire ensemble."

Yann Andréa

God is in the house

I don't want to feel relieved. And the cat jumped out of the hat. Window panes were melting wasn't hot though was the light disturbed the truth broke through the veil exploded eye lids and dried out tears. He said I lied I never do I just don't find the words to say the imbecility of bright blue skies. The cat moved like a girl on fire, jumping from spot to spot climbing onto tables refrigirators and plastic sofas. The plastic shined.

The cat was up and down and nowhere to be seen. Darkest shades of beige. Carpets, walls and staircases. He spat out mice and tongues. Claws tearing down curtains. Ivy curtains shredded ivy pourring down the drain of thoughts God like ivy tempesting in green around the lounge. The cat was in fact a girl on fire.

Navy blue skies reassured them all. Dribbling stars and death like moon. Future would fail no more. Backs and fronts, facing corners all alike.

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